Third Manitoba Moose Hunting Trip is Another Success!!

Third Manitoba Moose Hunting Trip is Another Success!!

July 12, 2020 by

It was another perfect morning for moose hunting and the rut was in full force. Our good friend and re-peat guest Pat from Wisconsin had already passed up a few smaller bulls and was holding out for something a little bigger than his last moose. Pat and his guide Jordan were set up in a great area that had tons of fresh sign when they noticed a cow and 2 calves working the edge of the willows across the river when all of a sudden they noticed the tips of antlers poking through the willows following the cow. Knowing that they probably couldn't get this bull to respond to a call, they set up the perfect stalk and Pat had his 52" bull moose. This was a day that they will never forget! Congratulations Pat!!     

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