Agassiz Outfitters Trip Planner
Planning your trip to Agassiz Outfitters is easy with our trip planner page!
What to Bring
Rifle, Muzzleloader, Bow
Mosquito Head Gear
Chestwaders and/or Hip Boots (Waterfowl only)
Scent Blocker Clothing (Highly Recommended)
Hunting Boots, Rubber Boots and Running Shoes (camp wear)
Rain Gear
Warm Clothes are Required
400Sq. Inch Blaze Orange Vest and Cap (Fall Bear & Moose Hunts)
Flash Light
Seat cushion for stand
Sleeping Bag (Moose Camp Only)
Camera / Film
Safety Belt / Harness (Bear Hunts)
Fishing Rod and Tackle
Waterproof Optics
** A detailed list of what to bring is provided in your travel planner upon booking with us**
Local Weather
Before your trip, it is essential to check the weather so you pack appropriately. Here are the links to the local weather in each of our hunting camps:
Hunt Details
A big plus to hunting in Manitoba is the ability to take a wolf on any open big game tag during the fall hunting seasons only. Wolf must be taken before you take your primary animal. This does not fill the tag.
Please ensure to bring appropriate containers for the transportation of your game home. Whether you are flying or driving, it is easy to transport your wild game home with you. You will fill out a form from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) that can be obtained from the border crossing. The USDA form along with your hunting license from Manitoba is all that is needed for the export of your wild game. We will have your wild game quartered and wrapped prior to your departure home. Most of our hunters choose to quarter/de-bone their wild game and take it home.
We recommend you use Boggy Creek Taxidermy of San Clara, Manitoba You can contact Mel & Shanna Nementchuk at 1-204-937-3436 ( or Gates Taxidermy of Winnipeg, Manitoba. You can contact the owner Trevor Gates at 1-204-989-0188 ( to discuss any information you would like regarding any questions you may have about your mount you wish to have done, pricing and shipping. Trevor does excellent work and creates a beautiful mount.
Travel Insurance
Medical and security emergencies happen, When they do, we rely on Global Rescue , The world’s leading membership organization providing integrated medical, security, travel risk and crisis response services to our travelers worldwide. Memberships start at $139.
Global Rescue has created the industry’s most complete travel insurance that was built with the outdoorsman in mind. With minimal exclusions the IMG Signature Travel Insurance is the perfect add-on to your Global Rescue membership.
Agassiz Outfitters is a safe travel partner with Global Rescue and recommend that all our guests purchase travel insurance to cover trip cancelation, medical emergencies, field evacuation, emergency assistance and travel delays
A non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot for any upcoming hunting trips. We accept the following methods of payment: cash, certified cheques, money orders. We also accept MasterCard, Visa (a 3% processing fee will be charged). Your verbal authorization to use your credit card number for your deposit indicates your compliance with our booking terms and conditions. All final payments on hunting/fishing packages are due 120 days prior to arrival, unless prior arrangements are made. All deposits and final payments are non-refundable.
Non-Resident Information
*Please visit the following link for further information on Overcoming Criminal Inadmissibility to Canada.**
If you have a Criminal Record or a DUI, it CAN PREVENT TRAVEL TO CANADA. If you need information regarding entry into Canada, Please contact Canada Border Crossing Services at the phone number or website listed below.
Visit website at or call 1-800-438-7020 and ask for Brenda or Mitch Jessiman
Manitoba Hunter Education Requirements
Effective January 1, 2012 the same mandatory hunter education requirements that apply to all first-time hunters and everyone under the age of 19 will apply to everybody when purchasing a hunting license. Therefore, all hunters wishing to purchase any Manitoba hunting license must possess one of the following:
a valid certificate or card that certifies the successful completion of the Manitoba Hunter Education Course or the old Hunter & Firearm Safety Training Course;
a valid equivalent Hunter Education certificate or card from any other province, territory or country;
a valid certificate issued under the authority of subsection 4(4) of the Hunter Education Regulation, MR 128/2007 to a person who makes a written declaration that he or she has lawfully held a hunting license in Manitoba or in another province, territory or country before January 1, 1975.
You will have to sign into the elicensing site, and go to special license applications, then scroll down to Wildlife HED-Manitoba Hunter Education Declaration Form, click apply and fill out and submit the form.