Official Measurer of Boone & Crockett Club and Pope & Young Club

July 21, 2024 by Rick
Finally, after 29 years of being a member of the Manitoba Big Game Trophy Association and travelling all over the Province scoring at different Wildlife Banquets and Big Buck Nights every year, I officially had the opportunity to became an Official Measurer of both the Boone and Crockett Club and Pope & Young Club after our very busy spring bear season, which was held in Yorkton, SK this past June 21-25. Only 2 of us from Manitoba and 23 great guys from Saskatchewan and 1 great guy from Alberta attended this very intense 5 day course scoring every North American big game animal recognized by B & C and P & Y. We also had to learn the very rich history of both clubs dating back to 1887.
I can’t thank our instructors enough who came from Montana and Minnesota for the time they spent with all of us and can’t express enough, what a great honour and privilege it is to be a member of North Americas oldest wildlife conservation organization!!
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