Fall 2018 Moose Hunting Success Story

March 9, 2018 by Rick
Pictured is Pat from Wisconsin and our youngest son Jordan who guided Pat on his moose hunt last fall with Agassiz Outfitters. This was Pat’s second moose hunt with us. On Pat’s first moose hunt with us, Pat shot a 45″ inch bull which is the average size bull in our areas. On this same hunt, Pat had the opportunity at a “bull of a lifetime” but unfortunately things did not work out and the big bull and the cow he was with, walked off to live another day. However, on Pat’s second moose hunt with us, Pat made up for this, as he took this magnificent bull that was 55 inches. Weather conditions were perfect on that September morning as Jordan and Pat spotted this huge bull that was with a cow and calf. Lets just say the rest is history! Congratulations Pat on your trophy bull moose!! (Jordan and Pat also saw 10-15 other moose on this hunt which ended on the 4th day of Pat’s 7 day hunt).
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