Another Agassiz Legend - Bear that is!!!!

March 2, 2020 by Rick
Pictured here is another great re-peat guest and friend: Dave from Wisconsin. Dave is an avid bow hunter and showed amazing patience on the first night of his hunt. Dave started having action early at his bait with some younger bears. The wind was perfect for this spot and as the afternoon went on, the bears started getting bigger as Dave watches and passes up 2 different bears that are well over 300 pounds. This decision pays off big time as he gets the chance at this legendary black bear that comes into the bait with a large mature sow. The rut is quickly approaching. Dave arrows this old warrior that is 450+ pounds. The ears on this Agassiz Legend Black Bear are torn up from fighting with another big male or from a sow he has been breading with. Dave makes a perfect shot on this old warrior and it is retrieved at 30 yards. What a bear and congratulations Dave!
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