Agassiz Manitoba Record Book Black Bear

August 8, 2023 by Rick
Pictured here is a great re-peat guest of ours from Wyoming. Daryl took this Manitoba Record Book black bear with us this past 2023 spring bear season in the first hour of his 6 day hunt. This bear is every black bear hunters dream bear as people hunt all over North America wanting a monster color phase black bear and never see one. After Daryl shot this amazing looking bear that afternoon, 10 minutes later a even bigger black bear walked into the bait site as i was on my way to get him. Wow, amazing!
**Note** Daryl has taken 3 Manitoba Record Book black bears with us now in the last 3 years in a row, 2 in the fall and 1 in the spring. The biggest one was a fall bear that squared over 7', weighed 500+ pounds and scored 20 9/16. Congratulations Daryl and already looking forward to seeing you next fall once again!!
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